In the new year, I would like to share a variety of new things to discover outside of the design world (per se). How about some creators from YouTube. I don’t need to tell what YouTube is about but it’s always fascinating the kind of content you might find. Let’s kick off with a broader theme and at the same time about a country that we dearly love. Japan! A series titled: ‘Day in the Life of’ by YouTuber Paolo fromTOKYO where you get to follow average people throughout their morning routine, commute, work, and etc. It’s really insightful in terms of how Japanese people (selected in the videos) live their day-to-day. Paolo does an awesome job educating us about culture, traditions and his formula works really well. I decided to feature them below and make sure to check out his YouTube channel and subscribe for more about Japan.
‘Day in the Life of’ series
About Paolo fromTOKYO
Paolo is a YouTuber living in Tokyo, Japan; make sure to check out his channel and support his creative merch line.
Cover image by Bohdan Maylove